% Encoding: UTF-8 @InProceedings{daga, author = {Tim Ziemer and Holger Schultheis}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik --- DAGA 2018}, title = {Perceptual Auditory Display for Two-Dimensional Short-Range Navigation}, year = {2018}, address = {Munich}, month = mar, pages = {1094--1096}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik}, abstract = {An auditory display for short-range navigation in two-dimensional space is derived, implemented, and verified in an experiment. The auditory display design considers auditory qualities and auditory scene analysis principles. Orthogonal spatial dimensions are mapped to different auditory qualities in ranges at which they can be considered as orthogonal. This way, perceptual interactions are avoided and the auditory display is unambiguous. In particular, perceptual qualities - like perceived duration, loudness and loudness fluctuation, inharmonicity, roughness, noisiness, and pitch - and principles of simultaneous and sequential grouping, known from research in the field of auditory scene analysis, are considered. With the perceptual auditory display, 18 inexperienced users were able to find invisible targets on a computer screen. To quantify their performance, we calculated the length, entropy, box counting, target overshoots, motion interruptions, x- and y-flips of the mouse trajectories and measured the time needed to find the target. We furthermore identified six strategies, which the participants used to approach the target. The results show that they were able to combine the information of the two dimensions to derive the location of the target and approach it directly. But they were also able to find the target by approaching it dimension after dimension.}, eprint = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325320159_Perceptual_Auditory_Display_for_Two-Dimensional_Short-Range_Navigation_Precis}, url = {https://www.dega-akustik.de/publikationen/online-proceedings/}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}